Slovenija >> NATO Joint website in suport to the accession of Slovenia to NATO, edited by Governmnet PR & Media Office, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Defence (active 2001- 2004)
Slovenia and NATO

Slovenia and NATO
Press Centre
Public Opinion


Membership Action Plan

The Membership Action Plan is the fundamental document on the basis of which individual candidate states prepare for membership of NATO. NATO first presented the Membership Action Plan as an innovation at the last summit meeting in Washington in 1999. Slovenia has to date prepared five annual membership plans (1999-2000, 2000-2001, 2001-2002, 2002-2003 and 2003-2004).

They were prepared on the basis of the NATO reports on Slovenia's progress and taking into account already obtained individual experiences in their implementation, as well as evaluations, recommendations and warnings from NATO representatives and member states.

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