Slovenija >> NATO Joint website in suport to the accession of Slovenia to NATO, edited by Governmnet PR & Media Office, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Defence (active 2001- 2004)
Slovenia and NATO

Slovenia and NATO
Press Centre
Public Opinion



"Politbarometer" is a regular monthly telephone poll, which has included also questions about Slovenia's membership in NATO since 1996. The poll covers 900 to 1,000 adult citizens, who are interviewed by trained interviewers over the phone.

The question - "Do you agree with the endeavours of the Republic of Slovenia to become a NATO member?" - was posed since 1996 every few months. In 1997, when the pollsters started putting this question to the public more frequently, the level of support was around 62%. However, after the NATO Summit in Madrid in July of that year, it fell to 55.4 percent. In years 1998, 1999 and 2000, it has been between 50 and 55%.

In 2001, this question was included in the poll every month. The percentage of those who gave a positive response was, on average, between 50 and 55 percent - occasionally slipping below 50%, but always remaining very close to this number.

In March 2002 interviewers of the Politbarometer public opinion poll for the first time asked the respondents what their reply would be at a hypothetical referendum on Slovenia's joining NATO. The results in 2002 oscillated much in relation to current events and reflect wider socio-political developments that influence views on NATO membership.

Since March 2003, the attitude towards NATO is included into the scope of questions measuring public trust in various institutions. These measurements are thus becoming a part of the longitudinal Politbarometer strategy for exploring the pattern and expression of Slovenian public opinion towards international institutions and integration. The levels of trust in relation to the UN, EU and NATO indicate how the general public feels about these institutions.

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