Slovenija >> NATO Joint website in suport to the accession of Slovenia to NATO, edited by Governmnet PR & Media Office, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Defence (active 2001- 2004)
Slovenia and NATO

Slovenia and NATO
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Ratification of the Accession Protocols

On 24 March 2003, following the positive result of the referendum on the membership of the Republic of Slovenia in NATO, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr Dimitrij Rupel, forwarded to the Secretary General of NATO, Lord George Robertson, a letter stating the intention of the Republic of Slovenia to accede to the North Atlantic Treaty and confirming Slovenia's readiness and ability to respect political and military obligations and commitments under the North Atlantic Treaty, the Study on NATO's Enlargement, and the Strategic Concept of the Alliance.

The letter reviews the commitments confirmed by Slovenia's delegation during the accession talks that took place in January and February 2002. With this letter, Slovenia has also undertaken to respect the principles of consensus in decision-making, to continue its support to the policy of open doors, and to contribute its share to the NATO budget.

Enclosed to the letter was also the time-table to be followed in the implementation of the reforms that are based primarily on the work carried out so far within the process of the Membership Action Plan (MAP).

On 26 March 2003, the Permanent Representatives of the nineteen NATO member countries signed the Accession Protocols for the seven countries invited to join NATO. This step will now be followed by ratification procedures in the parliaments of these countries. The accession process is to be concluded by May 2004.

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