Slovenija >> NATO Joint website in suport to the accession of Slovenia to NATO, edited by Governmnet PR & Media Office, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Defence (active 2001- 2004)
Slovenia and NATO

Slovenia and NATO
Press Centre
Public Opinion


Security Issues



Review of legislation

  • By the end of March 2003 Slovenia will have:
    • completed the review of primary and secondary legislation;
    • begun process of accession to the Agreement for Co-operation Regarding Atomic Information (C-M(64)39-Basic Agreement);
    • begun with the implementation of the Administrative Arrangements to Implement the Agreement for Co-operation Regarding Atomic Information (C-M(68)41, 5th Revise);
    • submitted amendments to the Classified Information Act to the governmental procedure; these amendments will also include the extension of competencies of the Office for the Protection of Classified Information as the National Security Authority (NSA) (monitoring the protection of classified information with inspection powers, issuing accreditations, and issuing security certificates for companies).

  • By the end of 2003 Slovenia will have:
    • adopted amendments to the Classified Information Act (see previous indent).



Protection of classified information/documents

  • By the end of August 2003 Slovenia will have:
    • identified ministries, agencies and state bodies which will have to set up subregistries or control points and identify the requirements for physical security;
    • begun accreditation procedure for the central registry of NATO classified information/documents at the MoD;
    • set up subregistries (in addition to the existing ones at the MFA, MoD and the General Staff of the SAF) in the Office for the Protection of Classified Information, Office of the Secretary-General of the Government, Ministry of the Interior, and in Slovenian Intelligence and Security Agency.



Personnel security

  • Slovenia is aware of the importance of the security clearance process for the persons with access to NATO classified information. The national security vetting is carried out by the MoD and the Slovenian Intelligence and Security Agency for their own personnel, and the Ministry of the Interior for the public administration. The security clearance for NATO classified information is issued by the Office for the Protection of Classified Information (NSA).

  • By the end of August 2003 Slovenia will have:
    • completed the security clearance process for persons in key positions for which the NATO Personnel Security Certificate is required (if possible also national posts at the NATO headquarters and its agencies).

  • By the end of February 2004 Slovenia will have:
    • completed the security clearance process for all persons who will require NATO Personnel Security Certificate.




  • By the end of March 2003 Slovenia will have:
    • submitted a decree on the protection of classified information in the communication information systems (INFOSEC) to the governmental procedure.

  • By the end of May 2003 Slovenia will have:
    • concluded the process of identification and recruitment of staff for the NSA and its auxiliary bodies in the areas of INFOSEC (NCSA, NDA, SAA) and industrial security (DSA);
    • begun the implementation of the decree on the protection of classified information in the communication information systems (INFOSEC).

  • By the end of August 2003 Slovenia will have:
    • started accrediting the systems and connections within which NATO classified information will be handled.

  • By the end of 2003 Slovenia will have:
    • submitted a decree that will define the role and tasks of the NSA and its relationship to the auxiliary bodies (NCSA, NDA, SAA and DSA) to the governmental procedure following the amendment of the Classified Information Act.

  • By the end of February 2004 Slovenia will have:
    • begun the procedures for ensuring interoperability with NATO systems and connections.

  • By the end of May 2004 Slovenia will:
    • have concluded interoperability process;
    • continue accrediting the systems and connections; this will be concluded by Slovenia's accession to NATO.

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