Slovenija >> NATO Joint website in suport to the accession of Slovenia to NATO, edited by Governmnet PR & Media Office, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Defence (active 2001- 2004)
Slovenia and NATO

Slovenia and NATO
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Public Opinion


The Public Awareness Campaign on Inclusion in NATO

In 2001 the Government Public Relations and Media Office launched the public awareness programme in order to raise public awareness in Slovenia and abroad about Slovenia's accession in NATO. The public awareness campaign is a cooperative project, led by a group composed of representatives from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Defence, the Slovenian Armed Forces, the Mission of the Republic of Slovenia to NATO and the Government Public Relations and Media Office.

Other bodies and institutions also participate in some information activities, and we harmonize our activities with them (the Office of the Prime Minister, the Office of the President, the National Assembly and ministries).

The purpose of the public awareness campaign is to ensure clear, comprehensible and reliable information and facts about the NATO Alliance and the process of Slovenian accession process in the Alliance. Its main aim is to contribute to greater awareness, understanding and public discussion of the process of integration with the NATO and on the consequences that membership will have for Slovene citizens.

The campaign includes:

  • Regular cooperation with the media: (regularly providing information and other materials, opportunities to meet with senior NATO representatives, study visits to NATO and SHAPE, and cooperation for major events, visits by foreign statesmen or senior NATO representatives);

  • Informative publications: To date, the following publications have been issued: Natopis (2002), an informative newsletter, a handbook of frequently asked questions and answers (2002), a special supplement in the journal NATO's Nations (2002), leaflets NATO after Prague [Acrobat pdf, 1233 Kb] (2003), and What is NATO [Acrobat pdf, 809 Kb] (2003). For raising public awareness, the Office also uses materials from other publishers. Available are also the NATO publications NATO Handbook (in Slovenian) and Understanding the New NATO (in Slovenian), as well as the publication "What is NATO", published by the Atlantic Council of Slovenia. All publications can be found in .pdf format at the web site (see section publications), and they can be ordered on the "Natofon" hotline or through our web site. The publications are available free of charge.

  • The Natofon, a toll-free hotline (080 2122) provided for citizen that can pose questions on different aspects of accession process. The "Natofon" adds to the possibility of the direct communication with citizens, who can also ask questions also through the web site, The answers to their questions are archived under a special heading: Frequently Asked Questions and Answers, which is accessible to all interested persons (in Slovenian only).

  • A web page dedicated to inclusion in NATO: The web page provides information and is the largest Slovenian-language combined data base on NATO and Slovenian activities towards accession in one place. The most often visited headings are the Theme of the Month, the Media Centre, Frequently Asked Questions and the Calendar of Events.

  • Public discussions, roundtables and lectures: As part of the programme, several opportunities for lectures, discussions and roundtables with guests from Slovenia and abroad are prepared. The events are prepared independently or in cooperation with the ministries, the Atlantic Council of Slovenia, the Slovenian Committee for NATO, faculties and the NATO Alliance.

The public awareness campaign has its own visual corporate identity, which contributes to the recognition of and draws attention to the topic of Slovenian integration into NATO.

The Office's NATO Department oversees the carrying out of the public awareness campaign for inclusion in NATO.

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