Statistics on armed conflicts around the world
The statistics on major armed conflicts around the world show that
the greatest number of these phenomena occurred at the beginning of
the 1990s, when there were no less than 30 of them. After 1993 their
number fell to somewhere between 20 and 30 per year. Statistics show
that the regions most threatened in Europe are the Balkans and the
Caucasus, in the Middle East the areas with Kurdish and Palestinian
populations and, in Asia, part of Central Asia as well as the western
and eastern parts of South Asia.
In 2001 there were 24 major armed conflicts around the world in 22
locations, which represents a slight decrease in comparison to 2000,
when there were 25 such conflicts. Among these conflicts only one was
of an international nature (the conflict between India and Pakistan),
while others were internal matters. The regional distribution of armed
conflicts indicated that in 2001 the most active armed conflicts were
in Asia (7) and Africa (7), whereas the number in the Middle East (4),
the Americas (3) and Europe (1) was significantly lower.
For more information about current armed conflicts see for